Robotics lab

             ROBOTICS LAB

  I.T.I “F.Giordani” Caserta ITALY



Home page

This is the homepage of the Robotics Lab I.T.I “F.Giordani” Caserta.


The primary objective is to provide the necessary knowledge for the use of robotic manipulators in the context of industrial automation.

Automation and robotics companies have entered into various sectors, and are subjects to be taught at university level.
The programming and use of real industrial robots enables students to learn curriculum subjects common to all addresses and to acquire skills useful both in the workplace and in academia.
In the business world the international and national robotics is solid with great prospects for the future and will allow students
to be more competitive in the labor market .



I.T.I “F. Giordani” Caserta Robotics Lab is equipped with a webcam to share live online lessons.

roboticslab on livestream.com. Broadcast Live Free