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Landslide of the ground

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We live in times when nature rebels because of the folly of man, these natural disasters that are enlivening the lives of us all, maybe some scientists are due at the end of the world, that the earth is dying, according to some religions or high civilization would be the wrath of God A major problem in recent years and certainly the landslide or landslides. The term landslide is show all the phenomena of movement or falling of rocks or loose, due to the effect of gravity on it. Landslides can result in profound changes in the Earth's surface, and because of their high hazard in some residential areas, should be carefully studied and monitoring. The purpose of the study of landslides is to be able to predict their movement. To collapse or landslide is meant any situation of unstable equilibrium of soil, subsoil, or both, including phenomena of intense surface erosion, or landslides affecting the slopes in depth, these movements are controlled by gravity. The factors or causes that produce a landslide or mass movement are many distinguished into three types.